Archive for the ‘h1b visa’ Category

Distance between domestic and international airport in mumbai

October 25, 2006

The run way for domestic and international are same but different entrances . hardly the distance between them is 3 km. you can get taxi or auto from both airports.

Be alert while going for us visa interview for us at mumbai us counslate

October 4, 2006

Things that are to be carful while atending us visa interview in mumbai counsalate.

  1. Do n’t carry your mobile phone bcoz us embassy wont allow you with mobile and moreover there no provision to keep your mobile.
  2. Carry your papers in a transperent folder as they wont allow you the non transperanet folders inside us counslate in mumbai.
  3. If any body is coming with to us embassy in mumbai carry umberella as mumbai rains are heavy.

 All the best for your us dreams as this info may give some help to you.